In case you weren't aware, there is a way to receive the posts that are made on this blog on a mailing list. You can sign up for that mailing list at:
Kemet Today Mailing List. We do not sign anyone up automatically.
If you have an AOL-related email, PLEASE make sure that when you're done reading, or if you aren't interested in reading a post you receive from the Kemet Today list, that you click on the button marked "Delete Mail" and not the "Report Spam" button.
According to our ISP we've been getting a number of spam reports against us that have AOL considering blacklisting, which would cause serious issues for not only this mailing list but for all the mails that come from our temple to our various members and friends. We asked what we could do about this problem and received the following:
It seems your mailing lists members are clicking on "report spam"
option instead of "delete mail" in their mail boxes which is causing
this issue. You need to inform the members not to mark your mails as
spam ones.
We will keep you updated about the email IDs those marked your mails
as spam.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Please, please help us out and remember to click the right button in your mailboxes. Also: we do not and will not ever send emails to anyone without their permission. If you do NOT want to receive mails from Kemet Today or any other mailing list from us and you don't want to go to the subscription/unsubscription page above, drop us a note at and say so. We'll be happy to remove you from our mailings.
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